NEC: Boston - Providence PIS Extension and Fixes

  • by Aran
  • Downloaded 1,191 times

This mod makes signficant changes to the station directory of the Northeast Corridor: Boston - Providence route to, among other things, capitalise all stations in the list in order to make them fit in a lot more with the overall asthetic of the US-style PIS boards, change some display names to make them more true-to-life and correct the numerous mistakes DTG made when setting up the markers on the stations on the Stoughton Branch which fixes the issue of the PIS not displaying proper destination or "Canton Junction" as a stopping point on services to Stoughton.

A comprehensive list of changes can be found below:

  • Capitalises all letters in every station name to make them fit in better with the US-style PIS boards
  • Changes some station names to be more realistic according to reference images:
    • Boston South Station -> Boston
    • New York -> New York Penn
  • Adds a large selection of additional stations to the station directory for use on trains which support them.
    • Amtrak Northeast Regional Stations
    • Amtrak Lakeshore Limited Stations
    • Special Destinations including TOC names
  • Fixes issues with the PIS on Stoughton Branch services by correcting the markers in the Station Directory on the Stoughton Branch stations.


Installation Instructions

Download the .pak file and move it into TSW's DLC directory, this is usually located here: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Train Sim World 3\WindowsNoEditor\TS2Prototype\Content\DLC"

Additional Comments

Patch Notes

  1. February 2023:
  • Aran-BPD-Station-Directory-Extension-v1.0.pak - Initial Release

Tags: boston-providence destination-display-board destinations northeast-corridor pis united-states


Aran-BPD-Station-Directory-Extension-v1.0.pak 9 KB · Added 8 Feb 2023 · Downloaded 1,191×


Avatar of scip
scip 9 Feb 2023

this mod doesnt seems to work all displays are out of order.

Avatar of Cash
Cash 9 Feb 2023

Are you using the TODv4 mod? if so, that's why

Avatar of Aran
Aran 9 Feb 2023

Yes as Cash has said, the TOD4 mod on will break the PIS screens on all routes because of how different the lighting is set up, regardless of whether you have my mod installed or not.

Avatar of scip
scip 10 Feb 2023

Thanks TOD4 was the problem forgot that i had it ^^

Avatar of User
User 13 Feb 2023

I don't have the TOD4 mod and the displays don't work for me

It seems to be another mod that's causing the problem but I'm not sure which

Avatar of Stexred
Stexred 9 Feb 2023

weird for me there is txt there
i played an service an 1 scenario today

just as those screenshots show

Avatar of acela2163
acela2163 17 Mar 2023

Would you consider updating this mod for the Acela services? DTG didn't bother to set up any of the off map destinations so they all just say Providence.

Avatar of Aran
Aran 19 Mar 2023

That would need changes to the timetable of the route, as off-world destinations are set there for each service individually, this mod changes the station directory.
I did consider looking into it but the TT is currently being updated internally and that would end up braking any TT mod so I'll wait until that has been released to see if maybe it's already added there.

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About this mod

8 Feb 2023
8 Feb 2023
Train Sim World
Type of content
Train Sim World compatibility
Train Sim World 2: Steam version (UE4 4.26), Train Sim World 2: Epic Games Store version (UE4 4.26), Train Sim World 3
Train Sim World Content
Northeast Corridor: Boston - Providence