K5HL Hornsound Mod - Cajon Pass & Horseshoe Curve ES44AC

This mod aims to replace the default hornsounds for both the Cajon Pass and Horshoe Curve ES44 locomotives, to a more accurate sounding K5HL horn (recorded by me), the standard horn that these locomotives have in real life.

CJP/HSC ES44 - K5HL Hornsound Mod Videos
CJP ES44C4 Static Test:

CJP ES44C4 At Speed:

HSC ES44AC Static Test

HSC ES44AC At Speed

Cajon Pass :
-This mod can be used in conjunction with both FOURPACKBECKERS BNSF ES44C4 Sound Enhancement Mod as well as CTSL Railfan's BNSF ES44C4 Sound Patch Mod which, when installing my hornsound mod, will essentially "overlap" the hornsound files that are packaged with those mods.
Horseshoe Curve :
-This mod can be used in conjunction with griggs Horseshoe Curve Locomotive Engine Audio Mod.
-The bellsound file for the HSC ES44AC locomotive has been replaced with the same bellsound file from the CJP ES44C4 due to the overall better sound quality.
-There may appear to be some wierd issues regarding this specific horn mod such as the end hornsound file not playing when sounding it off too quickly, or the start and end hornsounds having a slightly higher pitch than the loop sound when viewing the locomotive at speed in free camera view. Rest assured, this is not due to the mod itself, rather due to the crumby way Skyhook scripted this locomotive in terms of sounds.

Please let me know in the comments if there are any issues :)


Cajon Pass DLC
Horseshoe Curve DLC

Installation Instructions

Drag and drop any of the .pak files downloaded into your Train Sim World DLC folder

Location of DLC Folder: c:\Program Files (x86)\steam\steamapps\common\Train Sim World 5\WindowsNoEditor\TS2Prototype\Content\DLC

Tags: bnsf cajon-pass horseshoe-curve norfolk-southern sound-mod united-states


!!!!!!!!PMP-CJPES44C4-K5HL.pak 142 KB · Added 7 days ago · Downloaded 122×

K5HL for the Cajon Pass ES44C4

!!!!!!!!PMP-HSCES44C4-K5HL.pak 215 KB · Added 7 days ago · Downloaded 95×

K5HL for the Horseshoe Curve ES44AC

Previously uploaded files have been downloaded 1,714 times before being withdrawn.


Avatar of Drewster327
Drewster327 20 Jul 2024

Fantastic Job man! Most acturate K5HL I've found, used to run es44s for years, with the GE sound pack and this horn it's like being right back at the helm

Avatar of PrimeMoverSimulatorProductions

Appreciate the kind words! Glad you enjoy the mod!

Avatar of CullenTrain
CullenTrain 7 Aug 2024

Hey, how do you put TSW3 lighting on older routes like HSC?

Avatar of PrimeMoverSimulatorProductions

Late reply! But it's JetWash's Lighting & Visual Quality Enhancement Mod which has been updated to TSW5.

Avatar of altboy23
altboy23 24 Oct 2024

hi! i absolutely loved this mod! i am wondering how to make one myself for the Hyundai rotems? hope you can help! thanks in advance!

Avatar of PrimeMoverSimulatorProductions

It's a tedious process involving installing multiple applications, as well as using the unofficial editor, and windows PowerShell, though it's not difficult once everything is set up. If I ever get around to making a tutorial on how to create sound mods for this game, I will be glad to send a link!

Avatar of altboy23
altboy23 30 Oct 2024

thank you for your reply! i can imagine, I've heard its alot, but that would be great if you could! I've been trying to change out the MBTA F40 and the Hyundai Rotem's but no luck :(

Avatar of altboy23
altboy23 30 Oct 2024

if you could walk me through the process too that would help too, my Discord is the same as my name here on TSC

Avatar of aiden0928
aiden0928 8 Jan 2025


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