The Class 385 is here in Train Sim World with an all new sound enhancement mod!
This train is among ScotRail's most prized rolling stock. It's spacious and decently comfortable. A total of 3/4 AC motors are mounted to the driving cars of the train. Here, I was able to capture the sound of the inverter's signal. Hitachi's AT200 definitely deserves better audio quality than what fell out of Rivet Games' build. So me and Raphael took it upon ourselves to just redo all of its traction sound mix:
Completely new traction sounds
- Recordings from the Class 385:
- Extensive sound mix built by both of us separates interior and exterior audio
- Hitachi AT200 inverter recordings mixed to match the frequency spectrogram almost exactly
- Separate interior and exterior rolling sounds and track joints
- Improved exterior rolling sounds will come at a later date
Reworked horn
- Reproduced by ear to provide a more accurate warning horn
- Separate interior horn will come at a later date
Tailored safety system audio
- Corrected sounds for AWS and Driver's Vigilance Alarms
Softer recordings
- New recordings for the mechatronic passenger door system
- Random selection of passenger door alarms
- Separate exterior and interior aircon recordings
- Random selection for tread brake release sounds
Known issues
- Inverter never sounds offline
Installation Instructions
Navigate to your Train Sim World 4 DLC folder and install the pack
e.g. \steamapps\common\Train Sim World 4\WindowsNoEditor\TS2Prototype\Content\DLC
!Class385SoundMod7.pak 330 MB · Added 10 Feb 2024 · Downloaded 4,771× Changelog.txt 1 KB · Added 10 Feb 2024 · Downloaded 601×Previously uploaded files have been downloaded 3,895 times before being withdrawn.
Do i have to delete this !TS2Prototype-385runsound file from my dlc in order to replace?
I don't think so no because we have a completely new script for completely new sounds. It should be fine.
Thank you both so much, oh my god. You have just turned the 385 from borderline unplayable into a dream!
Thanks :D
raph where did you get the 4k ugly from
Does the Class 385 Brake Mod work with this because i get a feeling it brakes it from working?
If you mean the Combined Power-Brake Controller mod by Laika, then no this will work irrespective of that.
oh rite, thanks for letting me know
Thanks for this! Looking forward to using it.
I hope you enjoy it! I think we'll revist the mod for improvements after Rivet release their patches.
when modders do better job that the actual devs, thanks for this one, amazing sound
can make the Acela voice mod?
Another modder said he is working on an acela sound mod
Great mod. It's another world ! Thanks a lot
Merci Merci
Fabuleux , tellement plus réaliste ! merci beaucoup pour votre travail et votre partage !
Great work, thats just so immersing with this sounds.
One little question. I have a section on east coast way, where i can test the flange sounds of different train types. On the 385 i cant hear anything. So am i right that rivet has dropped their quality to a level of not even including & setting up flange sounds for their vehicles?
Yep, that sadly is the case, and we can't really fix that without blueprint stuff. The last time we tried blueprint stuff, it broke the mod for several people, soooo...
I found the door sounds to be really loud in the driving cab with the recent update. Is this intentional or is this being looked at?
I'll look into it, but I don't think that's anything we can fix, seeing as it probably has to do with the new audio mixing (which really isn't that much different from the original, they just fixed the door bug afaik)
Thanks for update
Having issues getting the mod to work, sounds really good from the video provided though, much more like the real thing
Suggestion, this may be a stupid one but why not. Class 720 sounds for the 387 on TSW3 and 2?
Would you consider making a version of this mod without the horn sound? I like the stock one better, other than that this mod is excellent
No there won't be such a thing. The original horn is just a freeware sound effect so it has to go. We can look at replacing the horn with a new sound however at a later date. I'm pretty backed up with more important career stuff at the moment.
Hey, This mod is fantastic, just to let you know, the constant sound of the train buzz has someone breathing in it, and once you notice it, it is super super distracting haha
Love this, spot on sound pack. Can i make a request you just adjust the exterior accleration and deleraction motors as they are just a bit quiet. Also a cab door open and close sound? Overall a great sound mod.
Lovely mod: Thank you!
Did you do something that fixes neutral section behaviour?
I had been having issues with neutral sections slaming on the brakes, but have done a couple of runs with this mod I've noticed that the VCB light worked correctly and no more brake application.
Edit false alarm, the brakes came on on my last journey from Glasgow, on both neutral sections. We need Rivet to fix that.
I also noticed that with this mod that the VCB doesn't 'clunk' in the drivers cab, then started wondering if you would actually hear that in real life given that the pantograph car is nowhere near the cab?
It feels like you've made this train drivable which Rivet could not. Many thanks!
many thanks for this mod this is fantastic. the class 385 has just been released for ts classic, would it be possible for you to port this sound mod over to the tsc version of the 385 as the sound implementation is simply awful like the it was for tsw3 prior to you mod, thanks again for your amazing work
It worked great and amazing on TSW3. Thanks guys.
Is it possible to upgrade for tsw4 please? It doesn't work there.
Very few mods work with Train 4 za warudo atm.
Love this. Any chance of it being updated for TSW4? The quality difference between this and the default audio and this is night and day. Really amazing job.
Lots of other sound mods have been updated for TSW 4, so it'd be awesome to have this one too
Any plans for a TSW4 version?
Is it possible to make this compatible with Train Sim Classic? (Glasgow to Dunblane)
That's a ridiculous question - obviously not.
Is it possible to make this compatible with Fishing Simulator? The IGTB sounds on the sea bass are very bad at the moment...
Probably, because Fishing Sim World is Unreal Engine.
oh ok well I hope one day you'll make a mod with better flange and running sounds for the sardines
Hi, compatible with TSW4 ?
It's broken
TSW 5 version when ?
Thanks for updating
Wow what a really enhancement to the class 385! The sound is now so good and fun to play this route. Thanks for this update to TSW4 :D
Thank you so much! Can finally play the route in TSW4, outstanding work!
Thank you for this mod. Inverter sounds when decelerating will be added in a next version ?
Thank you for the update! We can finally enjoy normal sounds in TSW4.
Good job !
Excellent, thank you!
Yes ! Thanks a lot for the new version for TSW4 !
Great job with accelerating sounds, horn and doors but why there's no deeccelerating sound?
Actually I might have an idea but if what I think is true then this is stupid
Yes I have found out what has gone wrong - it is silly. It's the lack of understanding of the basic role of a 4QC so they've made a motor voltage have a + and - tied to sound volume. In reality, this is completely wrong because the motor doesn't make the sound at all.
so it means that there shouldn't be decalerating sounds?
There should be decelerating sounds
Now they're present but like in previous version decelerating sounds are a bit quiet, but despite the volume, now the experience is a lot better.
can you make decelerating sound louder?
I struggled with getting it to be louder. I can look at it again in the future.
Users, please read the details in the description before you download a mod. Thank you.
This is a game changer! Amazing work :)
Please can somebody tell me how to download it without steam?
Amazing sound mod well done, sounds just like the class 385s ive been on! One small thing tho which keeps me from having it enabled permanently is that the traction motor sounds are gone if you are on foot walking around watching other class 385 come and go. Trains pull up and leave basically almost silent and the train traction motors sounds only come back when you are driving the train and still the other trains around you are silent as they arrive and depart. It breaks immersion for me but then again I spend alot of time in game just watching trains come and go so prob not a big issue for many.
edit: i am blind i just noticed the bit saying improved exterior sounds coming later
Yeah but the Class 385 vanilla has the same issue that AI just doesn't sound
I don't have the to fix fundamental issues with Rivets trains
Understandable. Still amazing sound patch you recreated the sounds a lot better than Rivet
Just wanted to add my thanks for updating this to TSW4!
a little bug ?
When the train is moving and the driver leaves his seat, a horrible noise is heard
Please post video on Discord
This is the player wind noise sound. It plays when the player is moving at really highspeeds when not sat down and outside of the train. I can fix this, but I'd like you to know that this wasn't caused by me.
is it possible to have the old sound files much like the 166/165?
Why would you want them
This mod is amazing, I love the sounds of it! You have done amazing work! But one thing is when I get onto an AI trainI can't hear the motor sounds at all, neither any announcements... It makes this really horrible wind sound when I stand up from the seat and when I sit down all I can hear is track noise, the motor sound is just not there. The motor sound appears when I drive the train but when I am a passenger in an AI train it is just broken, any reason for this and is there a way to fix it?
Read the other replies to the comments please because the same questions keep getting asked as people post before reading...
I don't know about train announcements for AI, but I do know they work as a driver.
Amazing. Really transforms the route and driving experience. Hope you'll be able to fix the inverters being on all the time at some point though.
It's not the worst, however the interior sounds can get iffy such as sometimes theres 0 motor & when you stand up its as if all the windows were non existant
AI trains don't and never played traction audio. And I'm still yet to fix the window sounds. The truth is that I have no incentive to waste my time trying to fix Rivet content.
is this usable on TSW5 yet?
You tell me
I want to use it in TSW 5, but when I put it in the dlc file, it doesnt work. can someone tell me why
Mine doesnt work either, don't think it's compatible with tsw5.
Works fine in TSW4, but not in 5 at all yet. Hopefully it'll get updated some day.
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Thank you so much for making this sound mod for class 385 and making it available to everyone
Absolutely, thank Raph too. We believe this mod is a tremendous improvement. When Rivet Games deliver's, it could either be helpful or entertaining. Naturally, there are still a few kinks with the mod even after all the work we put into it so we'll try to figure something out...
Thank you to Raph aswell